速報APP / 教育 / Neo Metronome

Neo Metronome



檔案大小:11.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Neo Metronome(圖1)-速報App

Features to enjoy in Neo Metronome app:

- Maximum precision metronome

- Intuitive & easy to use interface

- Universal metronome app for phone and tablet

Tempo Animations:

- Visual flash - see the beats!

Tempo rates :

- Manually adjust to any desired tempo

- Tempo ranges from 10 to 500 bpm (beats per minute)

Time signatures :

- Manually set the 'beat per bar' you want !

Save your Metronomes!

- Save your Settings and load with just one-click, so nothing can get in your way of practising music !

Tap Tempo :

- Don't know what your tempo is? Just tap the hand sign to measure !

Sound Sets :

- Over 10 unique sounds for every band and style

- Digital metronome

- Analog metronome

- Drum metronome

- Piano metronome

- Cymbals metronome

- ...and many more cool sounds !

Neo Metronome is designed by Neokid Music School and free to use by music schools' students and teachers.

For more informations, visit us at www.neokid.vn !

支援平台:iPhone, iPad